Infertility Feelings
Jesse and Doug have suffered from infertility without success for the past decade. Throughout their struggle with infertility, they were overwhelmed with a tidal wave of uncontrollable feelings. In 2019 they founded Uniquely Knitted, a non-profit organization aimed at serving all who struggle with the emotions of infertility.
This podcast breaks down all the things we feel during the struggle to grow our families. Giving words to the feelings we have and understanding the psychology of our emotions during infertility.
Interviews with leading psychologists and real-life stories from those dealing with infertility.
Your place to cry, laugh, process, and rage about all things infertility.
Infertility Feelings
Infertility and Feeling Numb
Sometimes Infertility can make you feel numb.
Whether it's the chaos of trauma or the forever-long process of struggling to conceive, infertility can leave you feeling emotionally numb. When your foot falls asleep it gets a funny fuzzy feeling. When you struggle with infertility that funny fuzzy feeling seems to land on your brain, making it hard to think, feel, and be present.
In this episode, Jesse and Doug look into what it feels like to feel numb during infertility. Where does it come from? How do we identify when we are feeling numb? What can we do when we feel numb? Will we feel numb forever? Feeling numb sucks, it's as if your emotions have collapsed and you are left struggling to feel anything at all, good or bad.
If you are in this position, we are sorry, and we made this episode for you.
Uniquely Knitted is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing research, education, and direct emotional support to people suffering from infertility, miscarriage, and loss.
Infertility has created a mental health crisis in our world, but it doesn't have to be like this forever. We believe that together, we can change the experience of infertility!
Uniquely Knitted www.uniquelyknitted.org
Uniquely Knitted Process Groups www.uniquelyknitted.org/process-groups