Infertility Feelings

Infertility and Guilt

Jesse and Doug from Uniquely Knitted Season 1 Episode 80

Has struggling to get pregnant ever felt like a struggle with guilt? You are not alone. Many people who deal with infertility deal with guilt.

You may feel like you are not able to do the same things that other people are able to do. You may feel like you are not doing everything you can, and you might feel like you are letting people down. All these things can lead to a very guilt ridden infertility experience. 

If you are experiencing guilt on your infertility journey this episode is for you. In this episode we talk about how and why we can feel guilt during infertility as well as how we can replace guilt with grace. ❤️

Uniquely Knitted is a non-profit organization providing affordable mental health care to the infertility community.  

Learn more about our process groups at